The Recommendations at the end of the report produced by the HLG on the Future of Social Protection in the EU and of the Welfare State are relevant for Member States – but what are the opportunities and the challenges that Member States would face in implementing these recommendations and realising resilient, inclusive, effective welfare states?
This series of SociAll national events aims at answering this question and at promoting the Recommendations of the Report in member states in the context of a European strategy that must be composite, rights-based, people-centred, in accordance with the European Pillar of Social Rights, especially vis-à-vis the challenge of managing transitions, fighting inequality, and generating sustainable growth.
Rome, 18 January 2024, Event on the Future of Welfare – Wrap
WHAT: ETUC “SociAll” event to discuss the policy proposals of the HLG Report in the national contexts.
WHY: To discuss how to meet the demands for social protection and align national policies with the ongoing transitional trends and the review of European economic governance characterising the current EU landscape
WHO: The event gathered together the high-level experts authors of the Report, General and Confederal Secretaries of Italian trade unions, representatives of the government and of the European Commission.