The survey
National surveys allowed to gather information on each country’s pension system. They go beyond what is available from other sources, and allow to gain a deep knowledge of the trade union perspective. Surveys were filled in by the National contacts in cooperation with relevant parties and other national trade unions.
- Austria (EN)
- Belgium (EN)
- Bulgaria (EN)
- Croatia (EN)
- France (EN)
- Germany (EN)
- Italy (EN)
- Latvia (EN)
- Poland (EN)
- Romania (EN)
- Spain (EN) + Annex (EN – ES)
- Sweden (EN)
The National Reports
The National Reports, based on country-based research undertaken by the National Experts, having taken stock of the current situation in the designated countries, have the role:
- to set out the main challenges (i.e. deficiencies in people’s rights and needs), in the national context, to full access to adequate and effective social protection, as identified by the response to the survey and the analysis of relevant indicators;
- to elaborate the policy options to meet those challenges, as identified through the survey, exchanges with trade unions and, when appropriate, other stakeholders, such as employers’ and institutional representatives;
- to make relevant and practical recommendations – from a trade union perspective – to support the trade union contribution to the National Action Plans referred to in the Recommendation.
Methodological note for the national reports